Four Project Management Values to Promote in the Project Economy
posted by Dave
In the project economy, change project mentoring & oversight from methods to these 4 principles:
Understand value/risk optimization in the context of your organization. Is speed more important than quality? Is cost an unmovable constraint? This is situational - your role as PM is to help teams understand this dynamic.
Reduce rework/wasted time caused by indecision, uncertainty of roles, resource availability, or dependencies. This is where a PM’s true value lies. Help teams through obstacles that cause delays. Remind teams that delay is the costliest form of waste on a project. Guide them to look for ways to keep value delivery flowing.
Manage expectations: Expectations with sponsors about success. Expectations among stakeholders about change. Expectations among the team about working norms, interdependencies, and constraints. Remove uncertainty and head-off conflict.
Solve real people’s problems. (Perhaps you’re familiar with the old parable of the doctor that declares, “The operation was a great success. The patient passed away, but the operation succeeded.”) Never lose sight of who you’re solving the problem for. Success sometimes comes more easily and simply when you keep the user’s problem in mind, rather than the technical solution.
Here is the full article:
Change is constant and unending; we hear this all the time and have presumably adopted that as truth. Especially now, we need to be aware of changes involving new ways of working and new technologies. But as project professionals, we should not put our main focus on methods and tools. Staying current with those things is important, but the greatest differentiator as Project Management professionals is: insight. One of the most commonly occurring techniques in the PMBOK is ‘expert judgment.’ Translated into today’s technology enabled world, our challenge is to provide that expert judgment and in so doing, equip, encourage, enable our teams to help themselves when appropriate.
So, as we focus our attention on being able to see over walls, around corners, into the future, and the forest for the trees - how can we lead an organization to self-serve when it comes to project methods and tools? And why are methods and tools, arguably, no longer exclusively the project manager’s domain?
Context - Evolution of Culture:
The “Project Economy” might be seen as a boon to the project management profession - but it also means there will be a significant shortage of qualified project managers. So how do we respond? Obviously, teaching project management skills is one response. However, in this evolving culture of autonomy and empowerment where IT configuration is easier than ever, many people will find themselves in a ‘project management’ role temporarily. It isn’t their everyday focus, and they may not develop a very robust project management acumen. We, as Project Management professionals, need to recognize and work within those cultural constraints and support our teams. Business organizations will demand that more projects are delivered more frequently by a broader population of contributors.
“The average person in an office thinks that their life is some sort of regular job, and that the projects they work on get in the way of doing it. In fact, in organizations the entire decision factory should be thought of as nothing but projects.” -Roger Martin has-arrived
Context - Business Demands:
The speed of business has been accelerating for three decades. Whether a wrongly placed expectation or not, executives want speed to value. My last three employers wrote “speed” on the wall, reminding us all that early realization of value is important (regardless of what Edwards Deming might say!) When speed is important, there’s no time to ramp up a formal project team for every initiative.
“Agile” methods do not inherently increase speed, although that may be a byproduct of working more effectively as a team. Agile isn’t the answer to delivering your work faster. It’s being more conscious of business value, working together better, and learning how to continuously improve as a group. Also, ‘Agile’ has become overly complicated dogma - look at all of the books, complex diagrams, and economic industry built around the simple idea of ‘work better together and adapt to change’. If learning to be agile is as time-consuming as learning the basic PMBOK (which are not mutually exclusive, but let’s save that article for a different day) and we’re pushing people into another complicated project delivery framework - well, we’re right back where we started twenty years ago at the dawn of Agile.
It’s time for another project management shake-up: Speed Rooted in Autonomy and Simplicity.
What does that mean? What’s different? In practical terms:
Autonomy - Let business teams run their own projects give them ownership and remove artificial delays. Simple PM tools are cheap, easy to get, and easy to learn. The PMO does not need to and cannot be involved with every project. And it will be involved with a lower and lower percentage of projects as we go into the future.
Simplicity - The antidote to Complex Agile is currently, “Do what works. We don’t need all the extra ceremonies, velocity metrics, all-hands planning sessions. Use waterfall when it makes sense. Use parts of agile - but just the good parts. Deliver however works best for you!” While that’s true in essence, you can only DO what works if you KNOW what works. If your teams don’t have project knowledge or experience, they may be flailing, may be headed down a costly path, or may not be able to repeat successes. We want to balance learning WHAT and HOW to do what works with taking small risks and learning to improve and self-optimize.
Also, when teams focus on process to achieve results (rather than just ‘Results. Give me results!’) the team has more resilience through obstacles and failures. Focusing on process removes the opportunity for blame when adversity strikes. The trick is in keeping processes light but effective. That is, promoting project management values, rather than methods and tools.
We must espouse and teach PM skills to teams. BUT: Simplify - greatly. Define a methodology that teams can understand easily. Focus on PM values and guiding principles first. Namely, these four:
Understand value/risk optimization in the context of your organization. Is speed more important than quality? Is cost an unmovable constraint? This is situational - your role as PM is to help teams understand this dynamic. Notifications Me For Business Adve
Reduce rework/wasted time caused by indecision, uncertainty of roles, resource availability, or dependencies. This is where a PM’s true value lies. Help teams through obstacles that cause delays. Remind teams that delay is the costliest form of waste on a project. Guide them to look for ways to keep value delivery flowing.
Manage expectations: Expectations with sponsors about success. Expectations among stakeholders about change. Expectations among the team about working norms, interdependencies, and constraints. Remove uncertainty and head-off conflict.
Solve real people’s problems. (Perhaps you’re familiar with the old parable of the doctor that declares, “The operation was a great success. The patient passed away, but the operation succeeded.”) Never lose sight of who you’re solving the problem for. Success sometimes comes more easily and simply when you keep the user’s problem in mind, rather than the technical solution.
As we teach, we need to stay flexible and non-prescriptive with regard to delivery methods, just as we allow for learning, experimentation, and failure in solution design. Again, teach the values and intentions of project management, and let the methods follow.
Methods will follow naturally within a team. You can give them training & suggestions that might get them there faster but let them ultimately choose how they’re going to work.
Methods will adapt and self-optimize. People will innovate when the delivery process describes the intention rather than the procedure. Why does the process exist? How does it optimize value/risk?
As an analogy, electrical wiring has conventions to reduce risk. You can wire an outlet backwards and it will ‘work’, but it can be dangerous. That’s a case where understanding the intention (reducing safety risk) outweighs the values of speed and autonomy.
Make sure people have the ability to assess how risky it is to skip processes. Make the value of the process clear - and teams can decide whether or not that value is important.
Be available and approachable to coach and advise. As a professional, your experience and perspective is immensely valuable. Use coaching and intervention sparingly to correct or head-off only major issues. Let teams make their own mistakes, learn their own lessons, and seek their own help.
This has always been the role of the Professional Project Manager: Optimize value -vs- risk. We are in a new and evolving context where that optimization occurs at the macro level. Letting go of the details and focusing teams on the concepts of early value realization and reducing delays is how we can effectively scale project management in the new economy.
When Helping Is Really Helping
posted by Dave
"It's not the notes you play, it's the notes you don't play."
I've been thinking about this famous Miles Davis quote .. When you're talking/ doing/ working - it's not just about the work you're doing; you have to consider the work of those around you. How does it complement it? Listen to and watch your environment - what can you learn before acting? (Remember W.A.I.T..)
Have you ever been working on something when someone comes up and pitches in without any idea what you're trying to do? I was standing on a high ladder recently, precariously balanced while trying to paint a high peak on my house. My friend came up behind me and said, "You're scaring me up on that ladder!" Now, I appreciate the concern, but startling me and distracting me isn't going to improve my safety. Or when I'm moving something heavy and someone grabs the other end of it without telling me they are about to change the weight I'm balancing. Or when I'm swinging an axe and someone steps in to hold the log steady -- OK, that didn't actually happen, but I hope I've made a point. Help isn't helpful when you're just *involved*. Don't look for ways you can just "lend a hand" - look for ways you can optimize the work.
Observe the work.
Look for ways to make it more efficient, safer, better quality.
Before you step in and DO, suggest how you can help to improve the work.
Think about how it integrates with the work already in progress.
If it's going to be disruptive (is it really help?) manage the change: make sure people are ready for it and agree to it.
When you've been in a band for a long enough time, you can predict your bandmates, anticipate where to contribute, and have tacit agreement built on trust - The above steps still hold, but they are quick, invisible and allowed. That's the kind of team we all strive for and long for; and you build it through respect. Following the steps above are one component of demonstrating that respect.
Traits of Leaders
posted by Dave
Just for fun (OK, just for a staff development exercise I was doing at work once, but now it's purely fun. So fun.)
I asked my network,
"List the top 3 attributes that come to mind when you define/ characterize *Leadership.* (Define leadership context in whatever terms you like.. i.e What makes a good leader? of business, government, peer groups, rats, . . whatever. )"
From 46 replies, here were the top traits:
What are yours?
(Here were mine:)
Outcome focused
Convey a Vision, insight. Align the team to the results.
Create motivation toward goals
Facilitate good & timely decision-making
Look for ways to improve, optimize
Team Builder
Establish trust - demonstrate integrity
Remove conflicts
Ask questions
Listen first & then speak.
Say "Thank You", "I'm sorry", and "How can I help?"
Selfless - enable others. Do what you'd want others to do for you: assist, give your time freely.
Continuous learning - Focus on strengths
Always positive & constructive
Demonstrate Responsibility & encourage it in team members.
Accountable was a top scorer in the poll, however, Accountable = 'Held to account'. not an internal value; it's a standard that is imposed on you by others or by yourself. So I DQ'ed it. :)
Value Matching
posted by Dave
I have seen the above picture (or something like it) a few times in the past weeks...
If a PAYING client says, "can you do it cheaper?" it means they don't see a enough value in your product. But instead of giving them a half-assed (sorry, couldn't resist) product for less money, maybe asking more questions is in order.
"Why do you need this product? What are you going to do with it?"
"Do you know someone who will do it for the price you're proposing?" (Maybe YOU are the one with an unrealistic perception of the value you're providing. Or maybe you're not articulating the extra value you're bringing - just look at the detail on that hoof! And does the customer value hoof detail?)
"What would the most valuable component of this project be?" (Maybe a drawing of just the head would be more valuable. Or a silhouette or outline of the entire animal. Doubtful that it's a detailed drawing of a hind-quarter and a terrible cartoon drawing of a head, but .. maybe. You should ask.)
"Is there some other exchange we can make that is acceptable to both of us?" (If they pay what you're asking, could you throw in a free drawing lesson? Is there something else they value that doesn't cost you much to provide? Or is there something else THEY can give you? e.g. a contract for more work, free horsey rides, ...)
Don't put the cart before the horse. (Sorry - again.) ie Don't solve the dispute by unilaterally cutting your product - nay. Ask questions first to identify value (horse) and then negotiate the exchange (cart.)
The Largest Liability
posted by Dave
One of the largest liabilities a product organization often has is: Inventory in the form of Work In Progress. (OK accountants, I know that's going to draw some ire.)
Work in Progress (WIP) in operational terms is resource that's being consumed (salaries, materials, storage space) that provides no value - until the time when someone actually pays for it.
Don Reinertsen wrote in The Principles of Product Development Flow that if you're going to fix one production problem, focus on the cost of delay. Delay causes WIP as well as flow interruptions that reduce profitability.
So what causes delays?
Inability to make a decision
not enough knowledge
no clear owner
(or fear of not enough knowledge or fear of not having authority)
Inability to deliver a subcomponent
resource issue
unclear requirements
Where in your current processes are there delays? How can process changes and agreements among team members keep projects moving forward so that they deliver quality products on time while optimizing resources?
When Listening, Think 'Sympathy' instead of 'Empathy'
posted by Dave
We talk often about empathy in product design and in our business interactions. But is empathy really what we want to express?
Empathy (or "in + feeling") leads to putting yourself into the situation. "How would this make ME feel?" So now it's all about you. "Yep. Same thing happened to me..." or "Hoo boy if that happened to me, here's what I would do.." Whether you say those phases or not, you're unconsciously approaching the other person as if it's you who has the problem.
Sympathy (or "with + feeling") means sharing the feeling, but not necessarily the experience. You want to address the feeling, whether or not you can relate to the specific situation. You understand fear, anxiety, sadness, or frustration. That gives you the perspective to ASK, "What can I do to help?" or "Will you tell me about it?" rather than SAY, "I know what that's like."
More likely than not, you do NOT know what that's like. You don't fully understand the other person's context: their history, their environment, their constraints, their resources, their perceptions, their other issues. You know what they have told you, which is less than 1% of the full problem. (How many times have you asked for advice on a business problem and thought, "hmm, thanks for the advice, but you don't really get my situation.")
As a trained early responder to natural disasters, one of the things we stress most when helping an affected community is to listen, but not say words like 'I know', 'It'll be OK', 'It's just stuff - it can be replaced', 'You're lucky to be alive', or 'I've seen worse.' Phrases like these invalidate a person's feelings and come off as a judgement about how they should be reacting to their situation. We ARE trained to use phrases like 'I'm sorry this happened to you' or 'Tell me about it.'
Of course, product design is not a hurricane. But we can take the same approach to understanding someone's needs.
Listen not just to provide a response, but to lead you to the next questions. "What do you think is causing that feeling?" "What would help?" "What can we do next to begin to fix it?" And sometimes, just listening is all you should do.
Quantifying Process Improvement
posted by Dave
(OK, maybe that title is misleading...) I'm thinking about ways to categorize process improvement efforts. After seeing some suggestions for "we need to... because ...." I got to thinking that a more finite list of 'becauses' might help to quantify issue impact with some common currency.
(Easy ones:)
Saves money
Makes money
Less obvious, but perhaps of higher value - or perhaps just a refinement of the generic list above. Sometimes quantifying cost is difficult, but it's easier to quantify:
Delays, wait time (cycle time)
Inventory, matching supply & demand (backorders, buildup)
Customer Satisfaction
Inefficient process
Emotional (customers love it, executives want it, investors demand it, competitors are afraid of it ... no rational reason)
Having a finite list enables us to look at a process improvement opportunity (that falls into one or more of those dimensions) and ask, "How WELL does addressing this issue improve that dimension?" For example, maybe we want to fix the change control process (for whatever reason someone may have initially proposed doing that.) How much potential do we have to improve Cycle time delays? What about Clarity? Does change control affect overproduction & inventory?
If we can quantify the extent to which a process improvement addresses each dimension -and- we have weighted each dimension with how important it is overall (eg Customer Satisfaction tends to rank high. Consistency is helpful, but may not be seen as the same level of importance...) ... we have two numbers that we can use to create an evaluation matrix. ie - Criteria Weight and Opportunity Score. That helps to evaluate and choose the most valuable opportunities. (Think along the lines of a risk score: Severity * Probability.)
Incidentally, the Analytic Hierarchy Process is the mathematical model for weighting and scoring opportunities & solutions: Analytic hierarchy process.
Refining the numbered list above may help us find the best opportunities for improvement.
“Doing” vs “Being” Agile
posted by Dave
Seems like every person I talk to about “Agile” (a word that’s been uttered so many times, I fear it’s lost its meaning) immediately wants to talk about product backlogs, sprints, standups, burndowns, …. i.e. Methods. They all want to talk about “doing agile.” But I’ve yet to find anyone with any interest in being agile… i.e. Approach.
In my talk, What the Business Expects from Agile, I used the example of building a bridge to illustrate this. Upon further rumination, I think it’s a great metaphor for why doing Scrum isn’t being agile.
Do the simplest thing possible.
Do the simplest thing possible.
Do the simplest thing possible.
That’s agile.
So here’s my bridge example:
Our project goal is to hold a circus.
We’re going to hold the circus on a patch of land. (Take it as a given – a done deal.) To get to that land, we need to get across a gully that’s deep and wide.
So – discarding a bunch of requirements for the moment about circuses, the current objective is to get us over to that patch of land. We’ve surveyed the area and decided that a bridge over the gully is the best way to get there.
Let’s build a bridge.
Do the simplest thing possible.
Get me across that gully so I can see the patch of land. Where are we going to put the tent? Where will we put concessions? I don’t know until I can see the landscape. Let me stand on it. Build me a simple bridge. Architecturally stable – I don’t want it to collapse under my feet. The weight requirement is that it needs to hold an adult human.
That’s when someone says, “Are you going to have elephants in this circus? You’re going to want a more sturdy bridge.”
“Going to.” I say. (because I’m agile.) Right now, I just want to get myself across.
“That’s a waste – you know you’re going to need a bigger bridge later, so why are you wasting everyone’s time building a small one now?”
Two reasons:
1. I don’t want to wait for the elephants to arrive to start laying out where the circus tent goes. I want to get over there now.
2. I may decide not to have elephants. Or to helicopter them in. Or to hold the circus somewhere else. Or not at all.
So now who’s being wasteful? We build a superstructure when we know we need one and know how we’re going to use it.
I know it’s hyperbole to say that Scrum isn’t agile. Scrum fits in very well with Agile. But Scrum does not equal Agile. You can build a ginormous bridge incrementally, using scrum-like tools … but you may be building the wrong thing and may have difficulty changing course.
Because agile isn’t about building the thing, it’s about getting from here to there.
For support, rather than illumination.
Measuring the Narrowgoals
posted by Dave
Metrics, metrics, why must you be so complicated?
I’ve always thought that measuring stuff was pretty easy. If you’re just starting out trying to “implement some metrics” – it’s super easy to start. Measure whatever you can measure. Don’t start with “what you think you want to measure, if only you knew how to collect that data.” Start with what’s easy to measure. What can you learn from it? Learn how to use data for insight.
And as you learn how to measure, you start to get a sense not just of what to measure, but to what degree of depth those measurements are useful. So the “if we only knew how to collect that data” excuse starts to fade.
Mechanics aside, I always thought that metrics were pretty straightforward – even as your organization matures and your measures become more complex, you’ve grown along with that complexity, and built measure upon measure. It’s still straightforward.
But every truth has a counterpoint.
You can use metrics to validate (i.e. prove you are right) and you can use them to learn. And if you are using metrics to learn, that inherently implies that you need to change what you measure continually. Look at it this way: You can learn what times people normally eat lunch by standing in a restaurant and counting the people buying lunch. But you have to track specific individuals to determine how likely people are to be repeat customers. Because wouldn’t you operate the business differently knowing that your busiest spike was at noon, but also knowing that all of your repeat customers typically show up at 12:30? (Yes, you would.)
Where you are -vs- where you want to be
I had epiphany today about some of our operational metrics. Yes, we are measuring the right objectives. Are we delivering what we say we’re going to deliver, on time, on budget, of appropriate grade and quality? Fine. But we’re measuring what we think we’re capable of. We set a target and expect to achieve it. How are we doing?
Well, it’s certainly valid to measure what we hope to achieve. But what about where we hope to improve? Obviously, we can pick something that we think we need to improve and start measuring the heck out of it until it has higher numbers and everything is fantastic. But that’s just validation. What about illumination? We also need to measure what we’ve never considered measuring – what can we learn from it? Not to say we should just start measuring everything that moves (or doesn’t.) But return to that infancy principle of “measure what you can.” What do we not see? What data looks like nothing? Because “nothing” may just indicate really, really poor performance.
Measurement for discovery requires that you find new territory to search.